ERCLA Sponsoring Free Vessel Safety Checks
ERCLA Sponsoring Free Vessel Safety Checks
On Saturday, June 3, 2023, the Eagle River Chain of Lakes Association (ERCLA) is partnering with the Central District Chapter of the U.S. Power Squadron to host free vessel safety checks at Riverview Park from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
The park is located on the south side of the Highway 45 bridge in Eagle River. Bring your vessel by water and park under the bridge, or bring it on a trailer to Riverview Park. The inspection takes less than 15 minutes.
Inspectors are not law enforcement. They are volunteers promoting safe boating, and will answer questions about navigation and talk to you about required safety items needed on your vessel.
When your vessel passes inspection, you will receive a report and sticker.
If you have any questions, please email Michael Queoff or call (262) 707-4214.
ERCLA wishes everyone a fun and safe boating season!