Aquatic Invasive Species
Prevention, Education and Erradication
Invasive species can be any type of living organism - a plant, fish, fungus or bacteria for example - that is not native and does harm to an ecosystem.
Invasive species can harm the environment, the economy and human health. Species that grow and reproduce quickly, and spread aggressively with potential to cause harm, are given the label of "invasive".
Invasive plants like the ones that threaten the Eagle River Chain of Lakes are primarily spread by human activities that are quite often unintentional. However, once introduced, these non-native plants are separated from the predators, parasites and diseases that kept them in balance in their native environments. With such controls lost or diminished, they often become pests, some to the extent that they injure natural ecosystem and cause economic damage. In addition, some species have adaptations that allow them to overtake and possibly displace resident species.
ERCLA continues to work diligently to prevent the spread of invasives, educate people about how invasives affect the natural habitat, and assist in management efforts that are implemented to control or eradicate these non-native species.
AIS Lake Reports Now Available
See the individual reports on the Commission website or download the 2.75 MB file here that includes all the lakes in the Eagle River Chain of Lakes. You can also click on the specific invasive links below to learn more about these threats that exist on the Eagle River Chain.