Current News
ULERCLC Presenting EWM Removal Results on Wednesday, November 20, 2024
The ULERCLC will be meeting at the Town of Washington Town Hall on November 20th to present the 2024 EWM removal results and the 2025 plan for the prevention of EWM on the Chain. Zoom is available. Visit for more information.
ULERCLC Meeting to Take Place on Thursday, October 17, 2024
Meeting of the Unified Lower Eagle River Chain of Lakes Commission (ULERCLC) will take place on Thursday, October 17, 2024, at 10:00 am, at the Eagle River City Hall, 525 E. Maple, Eagle River, Wisconsin.
To view the full agenda click here.
To view the previous ULERCLC meeting notes from August 29, 2024, click here.
Shoreline Invasive Training and Surveying
A group of ERCLA volunteers recently participated in a shoreline invasive training session led by Cathy Higley of the Vilas County Land and Water Conservation Department and Rosie Page of Wisconsin Headwaters Invasive Partners (WHIP). The training was for volunteers to identify yellow loosestrife, purple loosestrife, knotweed and phragmites to execute a shoreline invasive survey taking place through August 16th. Say hello if you see them moving along your shoreline.
ULERCLC Meeting to Take Place on Thursday, August 1, 2024
Meeting of the Unified Lower Eagle River Chain of Lakes Commission (ULERCLC) will take place on Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 11:00 am, at the Eagle River City Hall, 525 E. Maple, Eagle River, Wisconsin.
To view the full agenda click here.
To view the previous ULERCLC meeting notes from February 15, 2024, click here.
ERCLA’s Annual Membership Meeting and Educational Event
The Eagle River Chain of Lakes Association (ERCLA) Board of Directors will be holding their Annual Membership and Education Event on Sunday, July 28, 2024, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, at Eagle Waters Resort, 3958 Eagle Waters Road, Eagle River, WI 54521.
The meeting will include the election of directors, a review of the past year, and keynote speakers including James Yach, Department of Natural Resources Secretary’s Director-Northern Wisconsin, and Jason Molle, Vilas County Sheriff’s Deputy and Recreational Officer. There will be committee reports and an open forum for questions and comments from ERCLA members.
Important educational information will be provided, including Bat Monitoring on the Chain and Healthy Lakes Program with Vilas County Lakes and Waters Conservation Department; boat certification, safety and regulations with the Wisconsin Power Squadron; advocacy, education and conservation from the Vilas County Lakes and Rivers Association and more. Food and beverages will be available.
RSVP is required to attend. Please email moc.liamgnull@enilnoalcre, or text or leave a voicemail with Teri Stecker, ERCLA Secretary, at 920-428-6743.
T-Docks Planting of 300 Native Plants Along the Shoreline
Recently a team of ERCLA member volunteers and Quita Sheehan from the Vilas County Land and Water Conservation Department met at the T-Docks Landing on Yellow Birch Lake to plant over 300 native plants along the shoreline. The scope of the project is to create a demonstration shoreline buffer to show ERCLA riparians how they can add more native plant species to their shoreline buffers and do so in an aesthetically pleasing way. Improving the diversity of plants will enhance pollinator and wildlife habitats and reduce soil erosion. ERCLA would like to thank Ed Bonack, George Katich, Deb McGee, Jim Ehler, Steve Skora, Sue Skora, Sue Groth, Pat Peterson, Jody Voight, Marc Groth and Quita Sheehan for their time and effort.
ERCLA Volunteers Refreshed ERCLA’s Invasive Species Pink Bucket Program.
On Monday, May 13th, a group of ERCLA volunteers completed a refresh of ERCLA’s invasive species Pink Bucket Program.
Marc Groth, Tom Batterman, Jody Voight and Steve Skora
Earth Day Kick Off of the T-Docks Landing Shoreline Restoration Project
The ERCLA Restoration Committee along with other ERCLA volunteers along with Quita Sheehan from Vilas County Land and Water got together on Earth Day to kick off the T-Docks Landing Shoreline Restoration project located on Yellow Birch Lake. The project is a collaboration between ERCLA, Vilas County Land and Water, and the City of Eagle River. The project’s objectives are erosion control, enhance the vegetative diversity for pollinators and birds, deter geese, enhance ERCLA’s commitment for continued grants, and provide educational opportunities for Eagle River Chain homeowners and visitors who use the T-docks boat landing. The group spent the morning weeding out the thistle and spreading seeds of various types of grasses in among the existing sedge grasses.
Eagle River Chain of Lakes Shoreland Condition
By Marc Groth, Shoreline Restoration Chair and Duck Lake Captain
One of the most vulnerable areas of a lake’s watershed is the immediate shoreland zone (from the water’s edge to 35’ from shore). When this 35’ buffer is developed, the increased impervious surface, removal of natural vegetation and other human practices can severely increase pollutant loads to the lake while degrading important habitat. Limiting these man-made effects on the lake is important in maintaining the quality of the lake’s water and habitat.
Click here to read on.
ULERCLC Meeting to Take Place on Thursday, February 15, 2024
Meeting of the Unified Lower Eagle River Chain of Lakes Commission (ULERCLC) will take place on Thursday, February 15, 2024, at 12:00 pm, at the Eagle River City Hall, 525 E. Maple, Eagle River, Wisconsin.
To view the full agenda click here.
To view the previous ULERCLC meeting notes from November 16, 2023, click here.